About Us

TopNotch{C} is an online boutique created by PearlsTopNotch. Giving women access to the latest LA and UK fashion accent and best quality of accessories, at reasonable pricing.

 "I want women to feel comfortable in making a bold statement to increase their self-confidence, social status, and femininity within their budget. Giving women the opportunity to wear the latest-fashionable accessories that they can't find on anyone else. I want to add a little class, sass, and simplistic taste to their style.”

Each product speaks volumes, and all that are selected, are suitable to fit YOUR style. TopNotch {C} wants to define and exemplify beauty and personality in a classy, sassy, and sophisticated way, even when being simple. We also have a wide range of selections you can choose from, however, it's limited. Be the first to get your hands on what's trending. Only with high demands, we will restock. Get it FAST!!!!!!

TopNotch{C} wants you to bring your flawless personality and accessorize it. We want to enhance your personal style and add a little more to your beauty. We want to be the best reflection of you. 

Your body is our mannequin, so come make a bold statement and pamper yourself with TopNotch{C}.

@top.notch.c to be featured on our website.

#speakvolume  #wearyou #gracefully 👄👄